R Public

A page for R Public chatroom

R Chatroom

View the R Public team page on Stack Overflow Teams

Welcome to the R Public room. Use this room to ask any questions related to the R language. Remember to read the FAQ. You can take part in the events that are organized here too.

Stack Overflow Documentation has entered public beta, Join us in creating a good resource at Stack Overflow's new documentation feature, Do read the guidelines for creating a nice draft.


The rules here are quite simple:

  1. Ask any question/query/clarification that you need regarding your problem in R. Note that the main site is the default place to ask questions. This chat room can be used to ask simple questions or those questions that are not on topic for the main site.
  2. If any of your questions asked on the main site do not get enough attention even after 2 or more days, then feel free to discuss about it here.
  3. If nobody answers, wait for some time for someone who knows the answer to arrive.
  4. Don’t spam.
  5. Do be nice.

How to “Ask a Question” here

  1. Don’t start with a preamble, like, Does anyone know this package, or ask to ask. Start with your question immediately.
  2. Provide an MCVE, it will help us answer your problem better. There are several ways to create reproducible examples in R.
  3. Format your code properly. Consult Chat formatting help if necessary.

Adding images in chat

One-boxing of images are allowed in the room. However, if the image is offensive or abusive to any person, either present in the room or not, Please do not link such images. If linked, such images will be trashed.

A few recommended R resources: